Daily Dozen – Think Ink!

Since most of the time I’m photographing people’s faces I miss out on a lot of other aspects of them. I can’t really create sets or comment on their clothes (though I do some times) or their shoes or whatnot. It’s also rare that I get photos of people’s tattoos. It seems most people (but not all) are reluctant to get something as permanent as a tattoo on their face. I think that’s a wise decision myself. People do get them on their arms and chest and necks though and that’s what you’ll see in today’s Daily Dozen.

As I was thinking about today’s set I was trying to decide between two themes: tattoos or armpits. As it turns out I have way more tattoo photos than armpit photos so I went with it. As always, I hope you enjoy them and comments are always welcome.

Face - Beats Antique
Faces 385
Faces 971
Faces 883
Ray Neades Tribute

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