Social Media Club Event 3/24: Social Media in Government

The Social Media Club Boston will be hosting an event next Tuesday night at MIT. You can get more details and register on eventbright.

It’s a pretty nice panel so make a point of coming to check it out:

Brian Reich is the co-author of Media Rules! and a regular speaker and writer on the issues involving the impact of the internet and technology on politics, society, and the media. He is the editor of the blog Thinking about Media.

Matt Viser is a reporter in the City Hall Bureau for the Boston Globe’s City & Region section. He covers local and state politics and has written on such issues as Boston city politics, military base closures, and suburban growth.

Brad Blake is the Director of New Media and Online Strategy for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where he guide’s the governor’s social media efforts.

Massachusetts State Senator Jennifer Flanagan serves as chair of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Committee, and vice chair of the Transportation Committee.

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